Saturday, January 3, 2015

Lessons on relationship

Relationships built on emotions and feelings doesn't last a bit. They grow so strong at the beginning but with time they tend to crumble due to environmental factors.
Overtime, this has been proven to be correct, taking for reference a list of experimental couples.

Belief, Trust then Love, are the key elements of a sound relationship. For it takes a person who believes in the goals and dreams of his running mate to entrust with such mate her own dreams and ambitions. From this point onward, love emerges and the process of building a long lasting relationship is set into motion.

Just like a multi-international organisation whose philosophy is born out of genuine and relevant insights, so is the issue of the heart. Because if it is not properly taken care of, a lot of other things tends to suffer.
Take for example: a woman whose heart had just been broken, will find performing at her best in her career a hill-task to climb. This could lead to her being relieved-off her job, hence leading to a distortion in growth in different areas of her life.
This singular event will lead to a drastic change in her life both psychologically and relationally.
There is therefore, a greater need for one to get prepared ahead of time for relationships (boy meet girl, work, and a list of other relationships). That is, understanding its principles and how to go about implementing them.

The level of decadence in our society could be traced back to failure in relationships and marriages. Broken-hearted parents fails to train their wards properly, and they are sent to schools filled with broken-hearted teachers who cannot help but exude the rage of their failed relationships on the students. These students graduate without a moral sense, and they tend to live the life of their respective teachers...

We have all been a victim at some point, and some still are. But I have promised myself that I will not allow such incidence kill my dreams. I will discover my purpose through God's inspiration, and I will fulfil them through His strength. For the inspiration of the Almighty God leads to better understanding and a much better life.

References: God, Kola Oyeyemi, and Demola Daniels.

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