Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The best gift for Valentine

Ed Note: It is but a few days to the globally celebrated love's day, the world is definitely in a state of excitement  and so am I.

Growing up with my parents -like most other kids- was fun, but there were times I wished I had had a say in determining who they were.
My folks were neither the best of couples to have graced the earth, nor the best parents to have lived with. Though, they endured each other, as the word love didn't always communicate affection.
I had grown to the believe that marriage is in relation to endurance and suffering, and it would be cowardice to consider otherwise. However, all this changed after I encountered what I would say swept me off my feet.

'Finding a spouse could somewhat be likened to buying a vehicle'. I can blatantly say that it is one of the best experiences that there is to life and some memory to forever keep sacred.

When buying a vehicle, usually a fairly used product, the focus is adequately placed on the specifications and aestheticism, than it is on other details. Little wonder we are stunned by the details of some other parts, such as the 'boot'.
The boot here can be likened to our hearts or minds, and in it lies all manner of junks ranging from the unforgivable, unforgettable, regrettable, to the hopeful. An endless list of issues that would not only run our lives, but ruin it eventually if neglected.

Just as it is impossible for a vehicle to travel any distant further once it develops a technical difficulty, so is it for a heart that is unhealthy.
An unhealthy heart, often respond to the yearnings of its emotions, so much that it refuses to tackle the series of toxins in its confines, thereby leading to its death.

Indeed, there is more to love than meet the eye, it can be quite fascinating yet heart-wrenching.
The issues of love is far from the euphoria, heart-warmth, and the mushiness. Along with it comes challenges prior to human differences, which could lead to a well pronounced level of disparity amongst the parties involved.
Also, a ghastly end if not properly sorted.

To be strongly inclined to someone, is to be dedicated to such person. That way, every little detail counts, every move matters, and everyday is supposedly an opportunity to learn a little much more than before.
There will be times when our faith will be tested and our emotions wounded, but at the end, love will survive.

So, my little gift to you, "Forgo the rulings of your emotions and face reality, life is not a bed full of roses, it comes with thorns sometimes". Stay in love and discover new heights in your relationship, nothing can be more fulfilling than this.

From me to you, Happy Loving!!!


Gochindra said...

Enter your comment...I enjoyed every bit of it....nice one

Unknown said...

On point! Weldone.

Unknown said...

@Gochindra, thank you!!!
I really do appreciate your comment.

@Titilayo, your follow up has always kept me on check. Thank you