Tuesday, May 31, 2016

So what!

So what !

So she was a cheat, slept with so many that she lost count. Aborted severally, a murderer, more gruesome than a serial-killer.
Some said she seared her heart, have her soul sold to the devil, and all that's left is nothing but the size of a weevil. However, she wasn't made that way.
She was once elegant, a piece of art mastered by God Himself, left to dazzle the naked eyes.
Her eyes shone brighter than the stars, and her smile a relief to the soul. Reaching deep to the soul, her words provided comfort -a spark of hope in the darkest places.
To the darkest parts of the world, her light shone as bright as the sun. An element compared to none.
How and when she arrived here, my head fails me still. As no aggregation of words proved enough to proof her sudden decline.
To whom do one ascribe the blame, the society? and would she ever find forgiveness in the heart of our diaries? These and more are the questions that lingers in my head.
Forgiveness, I'd say, isn't limited to the offender, it trickles down to the offendee. It's the only way to get over the shock, hurt, and the scars left by the errors of our past.
A mentor once said, “if you've not developed the capacity to forgive, you aren't ready for marriage”~ Sam Adeyemi. But I say, If you've not developed the capacity to forgive, you aren't ready for life itself. As forgiveness is a necessity to livelihood, and that more effectively.
God, through the eyes of His son -Jesus- forgave and reconciled us to Himself. Having made us Holy, unblameable, and unreproveable to Himself. [Colossians 1:22, emphases added]. How much more, in our relationship with fellow men.
So, when next you perceive your neighbour falling, ask for God's redemptive power on his behalf and inspire courage in such individual. You never know, you might be saving much more than perceived.
I live to forgive, in fact, forgiveness is one of the qualities of godliness that's conferred on me. How about you?

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