Saturday, October 15, 2016


Ed note: Forgiveness is another action that sustains a man's life, and without it he becomes embittered by life. -Pst. Godman Akinlabi 

When a man is hurt or bitter, it is as though his mind is shielded from everything that's good in life. At the point, he finds it difficult to appreciate anything good and the only energy he'd be radiating would be 'hardness'.
'This could be witnessed in say a man who refuses to forgive his spouse and in the process becomes bitter and oblivious to all the good things in his marriage. He shuts himself out on everything and everyone, and in the process offers himself nothing but disservice'.
Although i'm not married yet, i've witnessed people live bitterly prior to an awful decision, and i can tell that it's one of the regrettable-errors to be made by anyone.

The irony of forgiveness is that it prevents one from receiving and accepting forgiveness in return as at when due. A quick look at our Lord's prayer explains it better, "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us". In other words, you can't get grace if you don't extend grace to others -it's that simple.

In the light of the truth, you can get angry or choose to express your disappointment, however, "be angry but don't sin". That is, express your displeasure without seeking to draw blood from the other person.
Although, it's humanly to want to take revenge, but for every disagreement you have a choice to either throw-caution-to-the-wind or end it on the spot.

Just as you're not less a man if you choose to express your disappointment in a thing or someone, offering a sacrifice of peace doesn't make you a coward either. In fact, it makes you a better man and reveals how strong you are in dealing with matters generally. Also, it further speaks of the better man that is on your inside, and this you need show more often.

N.B: Everyone can get angry and destroy what's been built over the years, but that doesn't have to be you.

Choose right, Live right!!!

I'm Obajowo Jimmy Michael, a Writer| Social media analyst| Biologist| Musician| and a Christian.

Follow me on Twitter & Instagram @mrjimmymichaels and Obajowo Jimmy Michael on  Facebook as i'd love to hear from you 

Thanks !!!

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