Friday, January 13, 2017

As consistent as a designer dress

Ed note: "Consistency is a critical building block for trust. It is directly relational to time, and if deployed effectively, comes in handy in winning over the hearts of consumers in-and-out of season".

If any one told me some years ago that I'd ever market a brand or offer my carefully collected thoughts on metrics employable to promote a brand, I'd have told the person to buzz off.
At a time, I worked under the social media marketing department, where along with other members of the team, I provided brand's online presence sentiment, generated and distributed strategic contents via different channels and kept a tab on clients.

Overtime, I realised that one's ability to execute plans aptly and provide consumers with much needed information CONSISTENTLY, increased returns and  eventually organisational growth.

Just as a fabric is cut after a unique pattern and neatly knitted in the same order to make a branded dress, finding and expressing consistency in one’s business is a prerequisite for SUCCESS.

In order to build a brand whose appeal cuts across all platforms, you need to adequately remind the consumers of how effective and dynamic your brand is. Also, the quality of the services rendered per time, needs to be near-perfect with no compromise.

An effective brand need show some level of connection with her consumers, some relationship that exceeds prices and returns. Wherefore, planting trust which equates loyalty in their hearts.

Device a platform that would allow them see your brand for what you want them to, that is a: 



Cost-effective, and

Consumer-friendly brand.

At this point, you can hardly get it wrong, especially when you keep at the back of your head that the market is better approached with a win-win campaign than otherwise. For nobody wants to be taken for a ride.

P.S: this year, I’d advice that you strive for excellence and a good name, as with this two, it’ll be impossible to kick you out of the picture.

I am Obajowo Jimmy Michael, a Christian|Writer| Social media analyst| Musician| and a Geneticist by discipline.

Follow me via @mrjimmymichaels on TwitterInstagram and do visit to see a bit of my world.

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