Sunday, January 15, 2017

Is writing not for some selected few?

Ed note: "That you can write doesn't necessarily make you a writer, there's certainly more to the trade than just potentials".

Recently, a lady asked how it was possible for me to consistently publish organic posts on my blog. How I found ease transforming every word into a sentence, sentences into paragraph, and paragraphs into full fleshed articles -even when my background boldly reads biological sciences.

Well, she wouldn't be the first, and like I did say to her, i tell every other person that there is a book to be written, articles to be published, and speeches to be delivered in everyone. As a matter of fact, we all have a story or two to tell, experiences to share, and lessons to teach amidst other things.
On the 24th of December 2016, I was invited to a strategy meeting by a friend, whose plan is to encourage females -within an age range- through her carefully drafted life-experiences. This she plans to do by hosting webinars, posting articles on her blog, and compiling write-ups into e-books, amongst other means online.

Similarly, I've met different people who outside of their regular profession compiles their thoughts and experiences in order to help others avoid the same mistakes they made. Some even go as far as packaging their well-crafted-thoughts into e-courses to teach others.

Nevertheless, I'm often obsfucated when I hear some class of people say that they can't do what I do, because they perceive that they don't have a word to share. But this same people hold endless conversations regularly, communicate their thoughts expressly when they need to make sales or beat targets, and can narrate different episodes of a series at will (especially Telemundo). Still,  they feel they have no word.  

In case you're in this category, oblivious of the great gift that you're to the rest of the world, then you need to join me on this journey to self-discovery.
Firstly, you need to take the following into cognizance:

  • It is not what surrounds a man that makes the man; it is what is in the man. Who are you on the inside?

  • Change what needs changing and improve what needs improvement, and

Improve yourself on every front, then you will always find new things to share or talk about. 

Tell the next episode embrace self-development, take new challenges, and observe some me-time to process your thoughts.

See you soon. 
I am Obajowo Jimmy Michael, a Writer| Social media analyst| Musician| Geneticist| and a Christian.
Follow me via @mrjimmymichaels on Twitter and Instagram to catch up on my daily posts. 

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