Thursday, January 19, 2017



Ed note: "The minute you choose to do what you really want to do, you begin a different kind of life."
R. Buckminster Fuller

I never was a fan of corporate writing and so were some of my colleagues. At a point, the mention of a business proposal or the likes would set my whole nerves in an unease while rendering my creative mind ineffective.

Fast-forward to a few years down the road, and the same me received an award in the freelance writing category -courtesy the GNBS society. Plus, I've generated several contents and contributed to the development of other materials that were either used for research, socially or strictly for business.

Like the naive me, I can tell that so many people must have asked this same question frequently: When am I going to be finally successful?

Some even go as far as saying, "without a business plan or any of the other trappings of traditional entrepreneurship, how can I tell if I’m actually succeeding in my business?” ~Aura Alex

I am of the opinion that the answer isn't far-fetched and it is as plain and simple as the saying: If you do what you love, get paid for it, and in-turn use the resources generated to sort a bill, put gas in your car, buy your kids new shoes, take your significant half out for a dinner, and keep some as savings, you’re indeed succeeding in your very own little way.

It is quite understandable to say that a lot of us have contrasting definitions for success, I however believe that success is in activating, magnifying, and fulfilling the essential part of us called purpose.

Success doesn't have to follow the script written by someone out there, it just have to follow your own script. 

What is on your script...? 

Till next time, remember, your time starts now.


I am Obajowo Jimmy Michael, a freelance writer and a songwriter.
As a writer, i employ literal skills to create a path leading to self-discovery, and to further shape a growing community of leaders across all fields. And as a musician, i SING life as poetry.

Do find time to follow me on Twitter and instagram via @mrjimmymichaels, on Facebook via Obajowo Jimmy Michael and do visit to skim through a never-ending array of articles. 


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