Thursday, January 21, 2016

Getting acquainted

Ed Note:

Just as journalism thrives on controversies,  success rests upon the shoulders of consistent and effectual information ~ Michael Obajowo Jimmy.

"I had gone out for the most part of the day,  and on returning I felt exhausted and as though I had gained nothing tangible for the day, therefore a need for refreshing. 

 I had little or nothing much to do, so I decided to engage some of my friends on some discussion,  and the result, mind blowing".

"Life we all say is beautiful, but truth be told, beauty is only a function of what you make out of life, and a sum total of the knowledge garnered and well appropriated.

Many of us are quite knowledgeable in our own space, but a large percentage of the things we believe to have knowledge in are obsolete,  yet we are oblivious of this fact. Therefore, we wallow and are [more often than none] bewildered on how to navigate our way to the top.

Limited to my understanding, the most inviolable,  infallible, and intangible way of knowing is by having a touch of the minds of people via the instrumentality of reading. The importance of reading can neither be under-estimated nor over-emphasized, for it is as a tool that liberates a man’s heart and sets him in constant motion towards the discovery of new concepts.

However, one cannot stop at reading alone, as there is a need to stay on  the information chain consistently without a break. Therefore, one needs to improve on his technique, for ideas keeps proliferating without bounds. “To be relevant is to hold the keys to mind-blowing information”. 

One need to consistently conceive the thought of achieving some feat better than the formal, “as the success of yesterday is usually eclipsed by the complexity of today”.

Finally, I would advice that you use every available platform around, to attach yourself to updated and revised information. Someone once said “the most dangerous set of people are those who make important decisions based on some stale and outdated knowledge”.

Remember, “you can never get it wrong with the right information".

Till next time, I remain Michael Obajowo Jimmy your friendly neighbour.


1. Gbenga Omomowo., and

2. Winifred Aduayi.


Tunde Taiwo said...

As much as information is very important, it could also be very hard to come by especially since we most times don't no d right places 2 look

Unknown said...

Well said sir, but then, the world say is become a global market. Meaning, one could access the same level of information from anywhere, and at anytime, so long you're in the right circle. Find the right circle