Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Aren't women natural engineers?

"Each time I get to visit the kitchen, I can't help but vividly remember how my mum would do her 'magic' in order to prepare meal for the family. I do now and I can tell it isn't an easy task at all".

In recent times, my mum came by the house and together, we decided to try our hands on something new, blueberry pie that is.

I watched as she engineered a pie out of a mixture of flour, water, sugar, butter, amongst other reagents. Nothing short of an experiment right in the laboratory.

Well, women are one of the most priced assets in the world -rightly after the men though #chuckles#. It is therefore disheartening to see them treated with little or no honour. I see no reason why anyone in the world should be maltreated, abused, and discriminated by the society. Also, I cannot understand why anyone would subject herself to such. 

As it is widely believed, life is too short to stick with bad choices, not to mention that we all have the power to make the right ones and act on them adequately.

Say no to abuse, embrace and support the women society. #NaturalScientists

I am Obajowo Jimmy Michael, you can visit my social media pages via @mrjimmymichaels

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