Thursday, February 25, 2016

Is the future really bright ?

Is the future really bright ?

Just as the brain is some repository for knowledge, so is the LIBRARY to an endless chain of information.

Libraries are the future of Reading and the future of great leadership for any nation.
What a nation thinks about its centres for learning is a measure of what it feels about education.

The reflections and histories of men and women throughout the world are contained in books, and education presents the opportunity to ask questions, find answers, and break open the doors leading to this historical knowledge. A nation’s greatness and progress is dependent upon each and every citizen being able to access and utilise this knowledge, turning every detail into a lead.

However, an unresolved question remains: What does the future hold for a nation with such a large youthful population who have little or no interest in education or books? Would such place be conducive for living or left with ruins?

A mentor of mine once said, "the most dangerous sets of people are those who make decisions based on residual knowledge".
At first, it appears as though they are right, but when such knowledge is put through test it falls apart, though after having ruined lives.

I will close with this, the scripture Proverbs 4:7 says, " Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding". Getting here is a continuous transitive verb, that means to continuously obtain or gain possession of a thing.

If the the oldest book that exists and communicates the mind of the creator (God), lays emphasis on the importance of education then I see no reason why anyone should neglect it.

Till the next time, I remain Obajowo Jimmy Michael.

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