Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Today I decided to to venture into something I have never done before. Through the help of a brother, I decided to ignore the weight of the risks attached to the online trading platform, and invest in one of the outlets. 
‎The feeling was overwhelming, for a moment I couldn't remember the level of rest taken or the loss that could be incurred, instead I was left in the pool of optimism.
Someone once said "the greatest risk in life is not taking any at all", and I stand to support the saying, as life is everything and a risk.
I will only say that, there are some risks worth taking and some, otherwise. 

Again, my leading thought for the month remains:‎ “a fool learns only from his mistakes, but a wise man, from the mistakes of others" ~ Pastor Godman Akinlabi.

Thank you for reading through!‎

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