Tuesday, March 15, 2016

As difficult as PRAYER

As difficult as PRAYER

To a layman, prayer is a usual exercise or section so designed to allow man pour-out his desires to God. To some, it is a mere routine done to satisfy a religious belief.
However, prayer is a simple act of obedience in respect of the instructions laid down by Jesus Christ to man -amongst other things to be done after Him.
Apostle Peter encouraged us if the significance of sheer obedience of the word of truth, in 1Peter 1:22. Most importantly, he spoke of the reward for it.

Growing up, I can remember vividly how my parents rewarded a simple act of obedience, and my father would say "a child who is fond of his parents is one who readily obeys them". This is equally true in our relationship with God.

Man is better effective when his focus is fixed on a cause, that way, he is not easily distracted by the occurrences present in his environment. At this point, he is said to be ultimately productive and able to achieve much more.

Limited to my understanding, the best explanation to Luke 18:1 is "men ought to pray at all times and not lose heart or the sight of focus". This way, we are easily set aside and purified, so long our obedience is fulfilled in Christ.

I will like to close round up by reading from the scriptures in 1Peter 4:7b "clear your minds and embrace self-control so that you can PRAY (emphasis added)".
I want to believe that the above statement explains the secrets to overcome 'prayerlessness'.

Please do feel free to drop your comments and follow me on my social platforms.
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TeeY said...

Prayer is the master key dat opens all doors...

Unknown said...

Indeed it is sir, it opens the channels of heaven