Friday, February 20, 2015

friend to friend

Call me a friend, the one who nourishes your heart with sweet rhythm and a measure of peace. The very one who watches you succeed, yet harbours no thought of strife. What better friend can you ask for ? - Michael Obajowo.

Determining who a true partner is can really be difficult, as men often share different believes about life. This alone influences our judgement and response to the events of life.

Not every relationship is meant to last forever. There are so many people who come into our lives only for a limited time but whose influence exceeds man's imagination. These people are in our everyday lives, helping us through challenges and difficulties, yet they ask for nothing in return as reward for their services.
There are times we let them down, yet they pick themselves up, dust the past off their minds and move-on. They never revisit the issues of the past as a means of tormenting us. Instead, they show love and the hope they have in us.

Oftentimes we never seem to realise how vital these people are, thereby we fail to remind them of their importance. I would say we give the "i have been so busy" excuse that we forget to place much importance on them until we lose them. Then, all we are left with are series of events from our past lingering in our head as memories.

The key to true friendship is patience and love. For at some point you will be frustrated and feel hurt, but that is no good excuse to quit on true friends. All it takes is hope and belief.

Choose your friends carefully and live your life through their eyes, you never can tell who you are influencing. 

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