Wednesday, April 15, 2015


"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke (1729-1797).

Any diagram or list of steps with timing and resources, used to achieve an objective is seen to be a plan. Plans thrive in the presence of a groomed environment, which is designed to help nurture,develop and propel the objectives to the height of the desired success.

No successful individual, or organisation  is without a concrete plan, statement, and vision for the sake posterity and sustainability.

"There is a saying that man's inability to plan effectively is a cue for his plan for failure". That is, so long you fail to plan and you fail to execute the plans prepared, you have automatically given room to the opposition party to dictate the terrain and determine the rate at which you grow.

The combination of strength, determination, and purity, recapitulates an Ideal man. Also, the will to excel, the desire to succeed, and the urge to attain full potency unlocks the door to personal excellence.

The mistake you will ever make as a man is to not build capacity, seek opportunities, and to eventually live based on the demands of others. Your failure to explore your capacity, is a lead for catastrophe.


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