Monday, January 12, 2015



It has being proven over and over again that no matter how "enriched" the entertainment industry can be, it cannot independently sustain a nation. Though it could be grown to sustain a part of it, but not the whole nation.
The industry has been known to celebrate endless list of individuals, and at the same time present them with the opportunity to acquire wealth. The government and other establishments invests in this industry to see it grow and empower the individuals there-in. These processes are followed with the hope of re-generating revenues and keeping a balance in the economy.
It is indeed a laudable approach to tackling societal decadence prior to poverty, but some of these individuals who have been empowered fails to reproduce as they ought. And in-turn fail the society at large.

The blame for this failure can be placed on both the individuals and the investors.
The investors for pumping funds enormously into the sect without a proper feedback mechanism to ensure that the funds received is put into good use.
Also, the individuals are to be blame for wastage and improper used of funds.

For instance, at some point in the industry there was an artist named Azadus who held the hearts of the people. Though he was the talk of the town at that point, but it is a pity that this same person is no where to be found today.
He's nothing to talk about now because he failed to make a judicious use of the opportunities given him. And transform such opportunities into a wealth generating machine.

All these made me come to a conclusion that you cannot give back to the rest of the world until you have given much to yourself.

Acquiring the right skills and the generation of as much resources as possible, puts one in the position of leadership. And this creates a platform for one to contribute back to the society. Else, you might get frustrated at some point and your so called dreams traded for some other things.

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