Monday, February 2, 2015

character respect and trust

Character, Respect, and Trust

Partnership is borne out of respect, trust, and character.

Though most stories goes like "I saw her for the first time and I just knew that she was the one", or we met for the first time and I realised our partnership will initiate the birth of a new business.

In the real sense nobody can really enter into any form of partnership without first having to respect the person and his or her ideology. After which, trust is built based on the credibility established with time.
It is after this processes that love sets in, and the differences are worked-out.

Just as in school where a student is required to study various textbooks and attend various classes before he is certified to earn a degree in a particular field. And others just study for mental development.
There is a place where the prospective partners understudy themselves for better knowledge about their respective characters and focus.

Unlike in school, there is no time-range attached to this study, as the human character is not fixed and changes with every change in the environmental conditioning. But certain traits are hard to part with.
According to research, a child begins his process of full character development after the age of ten. So it will be difficult to let go of those characters developed over the long years and such characters can hardly be bent.

So, In as much as the characters are not compatible and trust cannot be sincerely spoken of, then there should be no form of partnership established if success is to be achieved, and vice-like.

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