Monday, February 2, 2015


When I met the lady I am seeing presently and we got talking she told me of her misconstrued notion about my person and character. How she saw an ardent talkative, proud, a show-off, and impatient man in me. All these she saw from an angle of my life prior to the love I have for speaking and singing.
One cannot say that she is right judging by the fact that she only saw a part of me from a distance, yet based her interpretation of my person on those characters she perceived. But then she is not wrong either for I will not deny the fact that I exude traces of these characteristics

Though her notion about my person changed after we grew to become better friends, and spent more time together, that does not mean other people did not notice relatively the same thing and be misled in arriving at their own interpretations about who I really am.

I realised that rather than blame people for judging me from a distance, there is a place for me to work on myself and paint the true image I want to present before all men.
Remember, first impression counts and it might last forever.

So, whenever you get the opportunity to sell yourself do not hold-back the real you and the real image you want to paint in the face of all men.

Get it right, Get it done.

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