Sunday, June 21, 2015

I Am


Ed note: You are an extension of your thought, scribbled into writing via pen and paper; organised into pictures with the help of your brain; and painted into an art via ink and canvas.
You are the nutrient which nurtures your own thoughts into a structured tomorrow after they must have been properly defined and set into motion for action. You are who you perceive.

#Define your thought pattern, define your world.

#IAm, an extension of my thoughts, and an expression of my emotions. Overtime, I have come to understand what it takes to draw-out my thought pattern, connect each dot, and bring my 'virtual-world' into fruition.
Though it might not necessarily work-out as planned, I still stand for my vision. I have trust in the depth of my belief, and strength in the power of my decree.

#IAm, an extension of my thoughts, and an expression of my emotions.
I am wowed by the beauty of my tomorrow, and in awe of the greatness to come.
Though, all the world could only see is a glimpse and potential, I have belief  in the physical manifestation of my world to come.
When the world prefers that I see my failure as a monument of my mistakes, and that I am beaten into a pulp such that I wallow in my pain, I wax strong in the thought of my tomorrow and remain unbroken. As the picture in my head consummates me and guides my heart towards the future ahead.
Call me unbroken, the very one who never gives-in to defeat.

#IAm, an extension of my thoughts, and an expression of my emotions. I bring joy to the hearts of my audience, and peace to human-kind. My lyrics flow like a river, and with it all manner of gifts to the receiver, as I enrich the soul with great sound and soothing rhythm that I deliver.
I am the true definition of humanity, and an embodiment of the fruit of LIGHT, which bears Goodness, Righteousness, and Truth.
I am the true representation of Christ on earth led by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I am a founder, a developer, a Nigerian, and in all, I am a man.
I am who I think I am, and I am who I become.

Dream big, and stay true.

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