Monday, July 20, 2015

PROSPERITY, the new mentality!!!

PROSPERITY, the new mentality!!!

Theme: repent from the poor-mentality, and be liberated into prosperity. For repentance draws one towards having a change of mind and mentality.
When you decipher the revelation behind prosperity, you master the art of wealth generation and generosity.

Just as no crumb can fall-off the table except there be food on it, so can man not give unless he has. There is every need for you to generate wealth and influence your space, a need to fulfil the divine call upon your life and draw-up the inspiration of God available to exert the required pressure in your space for excellence -Daniels 6:3.

God's divine plan for man is that he succeed excellently -Genesis 1:28. Not only that, but to be a channel of blessing to those around him -Matthew 25:34-40.
We are not to be given to mediocrity but to the abundant resources available within and around us.

Someone once said and I was lost basking in the depth of the Rhema, that In his lifetime he would acquire wealth so much to liberate his world. For God does not enrich or sustain a man unless for:
-Prosperity, and

Today I write to challenge you to be at peace with your inner-man and see that you fully harness your gifts inside-out. Also, to join me on the quest to fulfil humanity needs.

I have decided to:
-Build houses to help harbour the homeless;
-Hospitals, to help take care of the sick;
-Schools, to educate the illiterate and coach the talented;
-Banks, to give loans without interest;
-Farmlands, that will provide food for the poor;
-Facilities that will cater for the old;
-Churches that will teach the truth; and
A Nation that will love her own.

#ILoveMe, yet I love humanity better.

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