Thursday, June 18, 2015


From my Imagination, to my Perception.

Ed note: "But of course, all this is just a silly 'fad' to which when the letter 'e' is added turns to 'fade'. And I predict that this 'fad' will soon 'fade' away".

I was left battling with my thoughts as I wondered if certain issues could ever be solved. For hours I was left lost, so much that no GPS could ever find me.  It was as though my whole world was going in cycles.
I felt a break away from here and this mess would do the trick. But as the sun rises each day, somethings just happens and all you could really do is watch and improve upon them.

Nobody ever says that behind the euphoria and mushy feelings attached to love, lies hurt and regret of the mistakes made.
If asked how to love with all sincerity, I bet the best I would do is mumble my words altogether as I still cannot seem to figure-out where it all went wrong.

I wish alI I have to do is to say a word and have everything restored to normal, but of course it does not work that way does it?
I sincerely miss and still crave those moments we shared, those days we held hands and trod different obstacles, writing our story in the sand of time.
I could not help but pray that those moments would last forever, but I guess nothing really last forever except ones #Salvation.

Today I have had to come to the reality, that it is for a fact that we happened too fast, and that I hope to see you turn a better you someday. Then we could retrace our story if possible, but as for today the feelings upon me is much too much than I could bare. All but a simple imagination, as the reality still remains #WeBelongApartForNow.

To my Tormentor, Love.

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