Monday, June 8, 2015

The cry of a broken-hearted

The cry of a broken-hearted

You must have listened to lyrics such as "where do broken-hearts go ?" Or "the other side of love".
All the same, an average human had crossed this bridge at some point in life.

I was once a student of love, learnt all I could learn and thought to myself that I would do everything possible to make the best out of every person who came my way.
As my definition of a proper relational engagement is to become a better you after having encountered the one who you dim fit to become your sort after.

Until I got myself engaged in the real business of relationship, I really did not understand the meaning to the saying "easier said than done". But all in all, I figured going into a relationship is more of a calculated risk. You sure could tell what you stand to gain and lose at the same time.

There is no true relationship without respect, trust, and love.
As you cannot possibly love wholeheartedly who you neither trust, nor respect.
Love is in direct relation to trust and respect, outside of this all you get is hurt and tolerance.

If you would not become a better you prior to your relating with a particular individual, then there is no use to start what would eventually lead to hurt and heartache.

Get it right, Get it mended.

I once wrote:

All I have ever got in return from you was disrespect, insincerity, lies, misplaced trust, and heartache. You painted me black, as though you were the outright saint that you preached.
Even when I tried so hard to make US better, you never stopped to rub dirt on our faces.
Your were so attached to your morphological features that you allowed other parts of you suffer physiologically, emotionally, academically, and most of all spiritually.

Thought you needed help, now I figured you do not even want to be helped.
You take everything with levity, but take pleasure in frivolities. Respect, Sincerity &Trust definitely happens to not be in ur dictionary.

Hope it does not take forever before you realise you are headed towards emotional doom, which transcends into physical doom. For by then, it would be too much for you to bear.

Farewell, my heartache.

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