Monday, June 8, 2015

Your God or Your Dog ?

 "Your God or Your Dog ?"

Often a times we find ourselves overly excited as we race to make a lifelong decision -mostly without the inspiration of God leading our humanly limited understanding- that would either make or mar the rest of our lives ahead.
At this point, we're mostly less bothered about what the spirit says, but we are basked in the euphoria of the moment. Totally forgetting that no human would neither sacrifice their interest for ours, nor love us beyond their limited idea of what love is -the only exception is, if inspired by the word of God and possesses the gift of the Holy Spirit-. Each man is bound to represent his or her interest ahead of any other, it is in our human nature to be selfish.
Human love comes and goes as though it were seasonal, with no regard to feelings and no respect to self.

We often forget about the supremacy of God, and His existence until when hit with problems. Then we remember there is a God who answers all prayer in as much as He is called upon. At this point we turn God -the all knowing- into a Dog -an animal called on for errands, or games- to come proffer solution to the problems we created ourselves. I bet if we were to be in His shoes we would not utter a single word in response.

Solution:- make Him your point of origination. Just as no DNA strand can commence replication without the initiating codon -AUG-, so should you not make any decision without His divine inspiration -even in trivial matters as selecting what costume to wear for an event, and in tedious decision as finding a spouse- for they lead to 'LIGHT' and 'LIFE'.

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