Friday, July 31, 2015

Obedience recapitulates Trust

Joshua is one of the greatest generals of all time. His leadership abilities and military strategies are still studied today. He was born into slavery in Egypt but eventually commanded the army of the lord and was chosen by God to lead after Moses died.

Most people begin studying Joshua's life with the book that bears his name, but there's so much more. His character did not form overnight, it was a process.
Long before he was appointed leader, he had a record of OBEDIENT service and strong FAITH. Plus, he was willing to stand against the majority.

Joshua was undaunted by the unbelief of his peers, he was unwavering in his commitment to take the promised land. He was fearless in battle, and was a godly man at home. Joshua was the total package, a man's man.

God demands sheer obedience, and trust. That way we denounce our skills and intelligence, as they can only lead us towards a futile life.
The carnal mind is death, and can never comprehend the mind of God:  "As far as the heaven is to the earth, so are my thoughts towards you". And this very veil of carnality hinders the heart from constantly accessing God's revelation which is key to our success.

When we understand the concept of success, that is,having our hearts and mouths stand in agreement to release power - that which spans into motion right in our minds-, we tend to amass as much success as possible.
The mind works through revelational knowledge -the revelation of God's word brings light and gives understanding to the inexperienced. Such that when you constantly behold the revelation (a pictorial representation of your future), you end-up experiencing equal measure of success. And when you cherish the experiences of the future you desire, you create an opportunity to make your dreams a reality.

In all, a successful life begins with obedience and trust.

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