Monday, August 24, 2015

wisdom is applicable

Each day we are made increasingly aware of the fact that life is more than science and mathematics, more than history and literature. There is need for another education, without which the substance of secular learning may lead only to destruction. I refer to the education of the heart, of the conscience, of the character, of the spirit—the indefinable aspects of our personalities which determine so
certainly what we are and what we do in our relationships with one another.
-Gordon B. Hinckley

I was surfing through the internet recently, and to be sincere I was left in awe by the level of knowledge exuded by us youths all over the world. The extent of this knowledge is though amazing, yet disturbing.
With this much knowledge available, one would think that the world might as well be near a state of perfection, yet we are constantly made aware of the other side of the coin -of the 'sickness' in the society, the contention and trouble that has brought misery into the lives of millions, of the atrocity perpetuated in our homes, schools, industries, churches and others. Fraud, corruption, sexual perverseness and immorality, jealousy, murder et al., appears to be at their peak with the thought of a univalent solution far away from a reality.

I see a large faction of us bursting with a high level of energy and knowledge, yet no  wisdom at all -the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.
I stand to say that knowledge (especially head-knowledge) does not 'deliver', for if it does:
•A medical practitioner would not smoke or be on drugs -as by default he knows the deteriorating effect of harmful drugs on health.
•A strategist would go an extra mile to achieve his plan, as plans made without executioning is as good as no plan at all.
•A 'saved' would consciously work-out his salvation, regardless of the truth that "the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has delivered us from the law of sin and death".
The availability of grace does not leave us to continue in sin -far be it.

It is true that the acquisition of facts and information, skills acquired
through experience or education, or the theoretical and practical knowledge of a subject is not enough to guarantee success in a field as the very one that we are in.
Facts, information, skills, and experience amounts to nothing when it is not duly applied and put to intellectual use. "The more the knowledge you apply, the more confident you become in controlling the events of life ~adapted from Francis Bacon".

The solution to our problem is not far fetched, it resides in our ability to 'do' the right thing (I bet you know that I am not talking about Cobham's song featuring Bez). Enough of the fables, deceit, and hypocrisy, it is time we turned from the old ways -that which has produced little over the years- and focus on the truth -God.
Philippians 4:7 speaks of God's 'peace' which surpasses all understanding.
It is of a fact that the world needs Him now, look how far we have gone from the truth. It is high time you, I mean you, returned to God.
Join me, as we make this paradigm shift effective.

Like the page Obajowo Jimmy Michael on facebook, follow @ojmfunction on twitter, and visit www.jimmymi

Inspired by:
•Gordon B. Hinckley
First Counsellor in the First Presidency; and
•Kunle Edun
A financial analyst and the President of the Generation-Next Household, the youth arm of Trinity House NG.

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