Saturday, December 31, 2016



In case you haven't heard it from me, compliment of the season.
If not for anything, the rush that's almost at every other place will spell it out clearly that there's a new wave in town.

In Lagos State (Nigeria), where I reside, everywhere seems parked, from the amusement parks, malls, concert grounds, motor parks, to the airport.
It appears everyone has got a place or two to spend the holiday but me -you guessed right, I'm stuck with my gadgets. 
Although, the new year appears to present another opportunity to review, reboot and possibly write a new course ahead of time for many, i for one can't help but wonder if the start of the new year isn't just another day from what it is today. Come to think of it, nothing seems to have changed.

The state of the economy is yet threatening, global disasters are yet looming, and the world is but a long way from a better place.
Don't get me wrong, I'm as excited and optimistic as many who's got their eyes locked on the possibilities waiting to be unlocked in the new year, nevertheless, I can't seem to overlook the challenges as well.
I can tell a lot of people would have had their resolutions written by now, but if you're yet to there's no need to worry. For planning alone is only but 30%, while the large chunk of the job is awarded to executioning and returns.

What I'm trying to say is,  you've still got enough time up your sleeves. However, not until you answer the following questions genuinely. 
•Do 'you' really have a shot at a new beginning?
•Do you have an understanding of what truly matters? and,
•Do you have a strategy to execute?

If your answers aren't as certain as they ought to be then you need to join me as we take this little exercise together. 
The exercise is as follows:

•Give an assessment of your activities in the year that'd be winding off in say 2hours.
•Outline your accomplishment and those very things you were unable to accomplish.
•Before you turn the page, add to the list couple of realisable goals you want to see materialise starting from tomorrow.
•Consider putting in place measures that would permit you execute these goals, and
•Finally, launch it out of the nest and see it fly, you never can tell how successful those plans can become.

Lastly, surround yourself with as much positive vibes as possible. Do not allow yourself be deprived of a better life, simply by the euphoria of making it into the new season.
Get planning, and by planning, strategically with GOD a deciding member on your board, then be patient enough to see the world wait at your feet.
From me to you, Happy New Year, or should I say Happy breaking into new grounds...! 
I am Obajowo Jimmy Michael, a Writer| Social media analyst| Musician| Geneticist| and a Christian.
Follow me via @mrjimmymichaels on Twitter and Instagram and visit to drop your comments and opinions.

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