Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Who you are + What you are = Why you are

It is no doubt that success is about becoming the best version of yourself. The more you dwell on this personality and align it with your purpose, the more it brings-out the essence of your existence. And the more people you help on your path to finding fulfilment, the more you meet at the place of your fulfilment.

Finding and giving purpose is the linch pin of a driving society. And it is upon this reality that a whole new community is built per time.

For there is no greater discovery as that which is yet to be discovered.

If we would keep discovering and in-turn offer as much as we discover, our world would be a better place.

The question I often ask myself is, what have you found so far, and how much have you given...? Remember, "the meaning of life is to find your gift, and the purpose of life is to give it away."~Pablo Picasso

It's been a great day so far, has it not?


I am Obajowo Jimmy Michael, a Musician and a freelance Writer.

As a writer, I employ literal skills to create a path leading to self-discovery, and to further shape a growing community of leaders across all fields. And as a musician, I sing life as poetry.

Follow me via @mrjimmymichaels on Twitter and Instagram, Obajowo Jimmy Michael on Facebook,  and visit www.jimmymichaelwrites.blogspot.com to skim through my never-ending arrays of articles.

Remember, you're the best voice you've got. 

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