Monday, July 20, 2015

I Love Me

I Love Me

A friend of mine once asked the audience -during one of his speaking engagement- to say sweet things about themselves for a specific time which he would determine. To my greatest surprise, an average person out of the audience could only last a minute before retiring.
This made me realise how little we know about ourselves, how less we appreciate our person, and how less-informed we are about God who is love.

Asides from the negativity we regularly behold, and the discouragement that rubs-off on our faces continually, an average human rarely spends an ample time appreciating his person with well-constructed words of encouragement. Someone once said: "to be encouraged is to draw inspiration from a source". So my question is, how much inspiration do you draw from yourself, and in the process exude? A pretty trivial but mind-blowing question huh?

At some point in my life I experienced an "heartache" that almost ruined me. I grew weaker by the day, and devastated on each passing hour.
I could not just come to understand how It happened so fast, even when I thought I was on the right course.
At that point in my life, I dreaded all manner of relationship, even that with God - I had suffered from the aftermath of In-Love-Euphoria-Syndrome. Here, I had felt I failed everybody including myself to have allowed such a fault happen.
As much as I tried to make-up for my wrongs I could not, for I still have not won the battle against the hate that proceeded from the depth of my heart.

On a faithful day, after having read through a book I realised how much I have not been doing any better in the area of loving myself. I figured that the failure I had incur, was not because I did not know what was right but because my heart was not in the right frame to exude and dispense the required emotional hormones.
I had failed not because of the lack of knowledge, but for the lack of the character required to display the right knowledge.

So I said to myself, how much of worth do you give to yourself or see yourself carry? Would you just take on anything and admit to the saying that anything goes? Or would you stand for what your self-worth is?
How can you really love the one God you claim to love, and not love yourself, is love not as a reflection of the creator?
These and more were the questions that rallied my mind, and in that moment I said to myself, not again will I sell myself cheap, or short-change my worth.
For I am:

•A friend of all, enemy of none;
•A problem-solver;
•The beauty to all mankind's ugliness;
•The voice of many;
•An inspiration to the weary;
•A counsellor, the very one whose words calms the soul and disapproves all manner of unproductivity;
•A founder;
•A lover;
•A business mogul;
•A husband of one wife;
I can continue till infinity, and write about what I see as my reflection each time I take a closer look at myself, but what I really want to establish is the fact that I am everything that is good and is of God, and I LOVE ME.

I bet you might be tempted to say that I am sure full of myself, but in reality who else would I be full of, You?

Learn to love and find peace in yourself, nobody can really help you achieve this feat. The farthest anybody would ever get is being frustrated of your level of decadence.
Put the past behind you, for as it is spelt P-A-S-T so does it imply.
Look forward to the joy in your future, and embrace the new you that is to emerge out of it.

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