Tuesday, January 5, 2016


"...You're what you think..."

Human beings can alter their life by altering what they spend their time thinking about -as it is said, we become what we think.

The human mind works as the land does -just as when you plant a seed and it germinates into the fruit from which it was collected, with the land providing not too much but nutrients and an habitat.

The mind delivers relatively the same provision as the land for our thoughts to germinate. Meaning, the real essence of life isn't in the things money can buy, rather it's in our thoughts.
Therefore, you must control your thought and it's pattern.
(This might sound cliché but it is highly valuable).

Life is a journey, you can either be in front of it or behind it. You can either think success or failure, but not-in-between.
The choice is never far-fetched, it is in our everyday life-bound decisions, and our level of commitment.

Life isn't about trial and error, it's about us embracing what's best for ourselves, relatives, friends, and the legacies that's to be told.

Forget about certainty, hope is enough. Life is hope:
Be Hopeful, Be Thoughtful, Be Successful, Be the Best you can be. But most importantly, be RIGHTEOUS.

Happy new year folks, trust it's been a great year so far. It's been one year already, can't wait for it all to unfold.

What's your goal for the year...?
You sure should make it clear.

Till next time, stay focused.

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