Saturday, January 9, 2016

Me, the journey to 'self'

Every year has been a blessing back-to-back. From birth, through school, defining the borderline between hobby and career, to my first job, falling in, out, and staying in love, and being born-again, what more can one simply ask for.
God has been faithful, and He's taken over a long time ago.

I find the most intriguing and indescribable part of man's in his or her conception. I mean, how do you explain intra-relationship between the chromosomes, or the stage where both the mother and the child co-exist for a time of say 36-40weeks. That long with no clue of what has really been happening.
My birth, just like every other was indeed beyond science, it is everything and a miracle. A testimony to be precise.

Elementary and high school were the most interesting for me, as I was naive, boisterous, mischievous, yet appeared innocent.
I was one chap with little or no direction, just wanted the good things but was not ready to compromise. Little wonder I was not successful on my first attempt at the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), then the university entrance examination which I wrote for a record of three (3) times, before being finally offered an admission.
At this point, I knew I had to see life from a different angle, and find the charge to do better with life.
Anyway, I am here and working towards my second degree (great shift isn't it?).

Relationship and Heartbreak
I had read quite a number of books on relationship before I finally got into one. I thought that was it, that I understood the terrains, and what could possibly come out of it.
You definitely guessed right, not only did i fail, I lost what was 'most' precious to me at the point.
This left me defenceless for a pretty long while, broken, and  used. I repelled love and its constituent, considering the fact that I offered relational advises and applicable counsels (though from the books).
Note: "Life is far from the books, it is applying the knowledge acquired therein 'Proverbs 13:16'".

My failed relationship didn't hurt me as much as it did those around me (mentors and mentees), there I realised how true the saying "with great power comes greater responsibility".
Anyway, I was able to love again, first by forgiving myself then i asked to be forgiven.
This simple act, led to my award winning article 'I love me' at the Grace Nugget Bible School, and then helped me to love others.
(A blessing-in-disguise you would say!)

(Recommendation: For a better relationship with yourself, friends, spouse, and relative, read ' I Love Me by my humble self ' and 'The five love languages by Gary Chapman')

I always knew I had flair for life and the science behind it. Little wonder I found myself in one of its disciplines, Genetics.

Defining what my hobbies were was not difficult at all, mom said "i was already singing in the womb" *chuckles*. Plus, i was a lover of the pen and paper as far back as she can remember.

I kind of had this sorted already, though at some point it was pretty confusing to the extent that I was totally clueless as to which to follow. But then, there is nothing a right counsel cannot solve.

"When the sky is not defined, every star would bear a glimpse of the reality. Look carefully, take your time, and seek the right counsel before you take the lead. ~Obajowo Jimmy Michael".

Note: be careful to not mistake your hobby for a career.  

Growing up
I was not different from every other kid who was born into a Christian home.
I got to learn the doctrines along with the church mentality. This continued until I felt I had had enough, I needed to know God for me.
As it was disturbing how one could attend all the services that there is to attend, yet feel so empty. The only time I felt filled was at the place of worship, but I never understood how to remain there. So, I needed to go back service-after-service, alter-call after alter-call, yet no difference.

I had taken my life back as much as I had given it, and at a point I just knew I needed a conformational change, then I met  Jesus.
I cannot say that I am perfect judging by my works, but trust me through His right-standing, i am His righteousness on earth.

You can be the same, the very essence of God on earth, shining His light in the darkest places.

Give Him this time your heart, you know He's been knocking for a long while. And in reality, it pays to have the very one man who can bare all the burden without asking for a thing in response.
Reconcile with Him, He's been around since like forever.

Well, thanks for reading through my birthday article, and for the wishes. God bless, and I love you.

Remember to like the page Obajowo Jimmy Michael on Facebook, Follow @ojmfunction on Twitter, follow oluwafeyijimmy on IG, and visit

Love you all *kisses*.

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