Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Encounter in descent to a particular class of discuss

The new year has been a turn around for me so far, I mean coming from the drama of the year before and its challenges.
Few days ago I turned a year older, and ever since then I have watched carefully the old me succumb gradually to the emergence of a new individual.
It is as an amphibian that's undergone ecdysis, giving rise to an obvious configurational change. This is one growth I'm super excited talking about and would readily share with the rest world.

This week I would love to share from my mentor's table.
Recently, i was under the ministry of Pastor Bolaji Idowu, where he discussed the message "having an encounter with God". The knowledge shared resulted in this article, as it opened my mind to a new light.

"Encounter in descent to a particular class of discuss".

An encounter goes beyond a physical interaction, it includes the spiritual, emotional, psychological, and biological attachment that comes off it. It is in the little things we do, how we inspire courage in ourselves and others. Most importantly, it is in the report we get from the people around us, and what we make of it.

In an instance of confrontation with someone or something (notably face-to-face), where you find yourself being engaged in an unexpected situation that either could be pleasant or otherwise. Here, hope is usually restored or dashed invariably.

As simple or complicated as the above might read, it cannot be compared to having an -immeasurable- intra-relationship with God. Coming into contact with God gives man utmost confidence to achieving greatness and to overcome fierce battles in life back-to-back. " Daniel 11:32b ...but the people who know their God shall be strong and they shall do exploit".
God's word is the primary tool to changing destiny. As every spiritual discovery leads to a supernatural discovery, which eventually is manifested in the physical. Thereby, the word of God is the yardstick to defining good success.

Too often than none, challenges strikes and makes it appear as though there is no way out, but then when life shoots us in the leg and everything else looks out of place, we can be sure to leave it to el-shaddai- God almighty. John 11:39.
This way, your mentality is transformed towards understanding that with God everything is indeed possible - 2Kings 7.
When one believes in the hand of the lord, he will continually receive and be empowered to receive more. John 1; 11:40.
Also, if you believe in God then you need to believe His ambassadors. "Embrace a prophetic instructions and you'd receive a prophetic reward. 2 Kings 13:15".
For when you believe in a cause, it  affects your disposition and changes your mindset invariably. Thereby it helps you to believe in the impossible, that indeed "All izz well".

Note: "If you behold Jesus Christ as a carpenter, you will receive nothing but furniture. But if you see Him as the saviour you will receive life".

Extract absorbed from the teachings of Pastor Bolaji, Senior Pastor Harvesters International Christian Centre HICC.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing..true talk.