Monday, January 18, 2016



The fact that I write about marriage does not mean I have had a first-hand experience of the union in anyway. Instead, it is as a result of several observations made from the little world that revolves around me -from my parent's, to my sibling's, colleagues', and through the knowledge amassed from various authors of best selling books. Not forgetting seminars and endless discussions with friends and mentors across board.

Though the understanding of marriage varies in proportion to varying cultural practices, believes and philosophies, It is still principally an institution of interpersonal relationship between similar entities. It is believed that before such huge step is considered, some level of understanding must have been  established successfully, without any of the two parties involved expressing discomfort or dissatisfaction.

The reason "why one marries is as important as who to marry and the happiness of such person thereafter".
For true happiness is too-often-than-none, dependent on what choices you make and who you make such choices with.
Happiness, love, insurance, and hope, does not come from the outside or by chance, but by a conscious effort to provoke such experience in one's life. One of my mentors once said "when you are consciously 'grateful' for a cause, it will never go wrong. Instead it will be replicated and spread across board" ~ Poju Oyemade.

I am hit with mixed feelings each time I consider the level of moral decadence in our present day society, and I cannot help but fear what the future holds for us all if this persists.
One of my greatest fear is to live in discomfort and dissatisfied for the rest of my life, and since divorce is not an option, and living in what one would call a-hell-of-a-relationship isn't either, I find it paramount to be responsible for every decision I would ever make. Otherwise, the destruction of mind and character would be inevitable.

Success in marriage -just as in every other aspect of life- is not a function of how hard you try, but how smart you work. It lies in every decision you make, and in the choices that you can hardly ever take back.

God's vision for man is that we have life -and that- more abundantly, to subdue the earth and multiply exceedingly. As interesting as it might sound, it will never be achievable if one of the recognizable source of good life -even for the next generation- is dysfunctional and eventually defeated.

Albeit life could be challenging, with the right approach it is most definitely good.
Make the right choices, stand on it, and see it germinate.

Remember, life is everything and your perception. Man can only be limited in understanding by what he dims fit.
Choose right, live right.

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