Friday, May 21, 2021

This Dip Go Knock Man Drip Comot

...Dip Thoughts...

How are you feeling? Hope you didn’t buy too much dip? Because, omo, the way this week has been red for cryptocurrency ehn. It nearly knocked my drip out the window, but we muuve.
If you have any friend that trades crypto, please squeeze a few thousand naira notes in their hand. 

Whether you bought the dip or not, there’s always something to learn from every situation. Investments are generally good and a great way to build wealth. But the way this market can shock anyone, it’s only right that you have options. That is if you don’t like sapa like me. 🙇🏾♀️

Of course, you win some and you lose some but still, diversify your portfolio and invest only funds you can afford to lose in risky assets. You don’t want to invest all your liquid cash in cryptocurrency or stocks and then be at the complete mercy of the market. Egungun entering the express comes in many forms, including greed. 😎

To ensure you don’t make rash financial decisions as you invest in stocks or crypto, you should also remember to lock some of your funds, especially for things that are important. Like your rent, school fees, monthly bills, and not to forget your monthly laundry expenses -else this dip go knock your drip out the window...

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Monday, June 22, 2020



Ed-note: "Ubuntu: I am, because you are" ~Zulu phrase

In the space of three (3) decades, I've come to the understanding that more often than not, we all experience a good share of some horrendous moments in life. Times when the world around us appear to be rid of safety, all odds seem to be against us, and as though life in itself somewhat throws an unexpected wrench in our way.

For some, it could be that you're in the jeopardy of losing your career, freedom, or worst of all, you might even find out that your loved one is dying. Though terrifying, these occurrences bring us to the realization of how precious our limited time here on earth is. 
I have had my fair share of life; the one I won't forget too quickly was the event of the loss of my Dad. At the point when I received the uneasy news, I wanted to be strong for everyone, most especially my Mum. I however, couldn't help but imagine the void that my Dad's absence would certainly result in. 
Fastforward, 12-years after his demise and I can tell you that though the story hasn't been the same, my world equally hasn't been the same.
Events such as this has shaped my perspective about life, and has helped me to realize how important every second one has left is to living a fulfilled and purposeful life. 
More importantly, how everyone around us is equally as important as our individual self. None of us truly knows how much time we have got, hence, the more reason to follow peace with all men, let love, and let God.
... In the sweet memory of every beautiful soul who's left us.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Encourage Yourself In The Lord

More often than not, the response of an average man to things going wrong is that born out of fear -which eventually leads to inaccurate decisions. People become fearful and seemingly irrational, giving room to the devil to creep-in and whisper terrible ideas -a forerunner for spiritual death.

In a season as this, where every calculated attempt and resources -with the aim to salvage the situation- has failed, it is useless for man to try to salvage what he has no control over. It is however important to drop our intellectual capabilities and mental strength for God's instructions and be willing to obey them.

Therefore, rather than be bedridden with worry, draw strength from the throne of Him who has the whole world in His hands. Recharge your inner man with power and might, and hold on to your conviction of faith.

Finally, though, it might appear the world is turning against you, and nothing seems to be working, know that no matter what happens, your faith-life isn't limited to the circumstances and/or events of this present life, but in the one who is able to do the impossible.

Examples of people who trusted God absolutely regardless of the intensity of their challenges: 

Abraham, an old man who had the right in all realities of life to give-up. Biological sciences and time was against him, yet he was wiling to act and encourage himself upon the pedestal of the promises of God. The result of which was "The Father of Nations".

Isaac, an industrious businessman, who at the time of global recession heeded the directives of the Lord and in return reaped a hundred (100) fold. "He gained the wealth of the gentiles".

David, a relentless chaser after the things of God, who came back one morning to the news that his family and properties along with that of his men had been taken away, enquired of the Lord and encouraged himself in the Lord to pursue, and for that He obtained territories yet untapped both in the physical and in the spiritual. "The one King who served as a King and a Priest".

These men of old had one thing in common, the God element. Therefore, in this season rather than be defined by the difficult times, encourage yourself in the Lord and strive to be the best you ever. Do not allow your tragedy change your theology, for who and/or whatever has your attention has control over your life. 

Let Go, Let God

Happy Palm Sunday

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

She's My Muse

I have read several books, most of which claimed that love is the epicenter of the universe -the very element necessary for man's survival. 

From one writer to the other, I thought many were lacking in knowledge and love was nothing but fiction, found only in the warm pages of books. 

Though I never foresaw myself to be completely and utterly smothered by this myth, everything changed when I met her. 

She took my hand, led me out of the darkness, and showed me how to love

And as a flower buds-off the ground, giving beauty to the world roundabout it, she helped touch my inner beauty, broke my defenses, and brought out the gift within.

Now by her light I see what light truly is, and I stand to show her off to the entire universe. 

As she isn't just another being, she's My Muse

The resurrection and the life, the very one in whom I've got victory.

She's Jesus Christ.

P.S: the pronoun 'she' was used to set the tone and set the imagination.