Sunday, April 5, 2020

Encourage Yourself In The Lord

More often than not, the response of an average man to things going wrong is that born out of fear -which eventually leads to inaccurate decisions. People become fearful and seemingly irrational, giving room to the devil to creep-in and whisper terrible ideas -a forerunner for spiritual death.

In a season as this, where every calculated attempt and resources -with the aim to salvage the situation- has failed, it is useless for man to try to salvage what he has no control over. It is however important to drop our intellectual capabilities and mental strength for God's instructions and be willing to obey them.

Therefore, rather than be bedridden with worry, draw strength from the throne of Him who has the whole world in His hands. Recharge your inner man with power and might, and hold on to your conviction of faith.

Finally, though, it might appear the world is turning against you, and nothing seems to be working, know that no matter what happens, your faith-life isn't limited to the circumstances and/or events of this present life, but in the one who is able to do the impossible.

Examples of people who trusted God absolutely regardless of the intensity of their challenges: 

Abraham, an old man who had the right in all realities of life to give-up. Biological sciences and time was against him, yet he was wiling to act and encourage himself upon the pedestal of the promises of God. The result of which was "The Father of Nations".

Isaac, an industrious businessman, who at the time of global recession heeded the directives of the Lord and in return reaped a hundred (100) fold. "He gained the wealth of the gentiles".

David, a relentless chaser after the things of God, who came back one morning to the news that his family and properties along with that of his men had been taken away, enquired of the Lord and encouraged himself in the Lord to pursue, and for that He obtained territories yet untapped both in the physical and in the spiritual. "The one King who served as a King and a Priest".

These men of old had one thing in common, the God element. Therefore, in this season rather than be defined by the difficult times, encourage yourself in the Lord and strive to be the best you ever. Do not allow your tragedy change your theology, for who and/or whatever has your attention has control over your life. 

Let Go, Let God

Happy Palm Sunday

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