Sunday, February 21, 2016


Life is like a coin, you can spend it on anything you want but you can only spend it once. We all want different things and everything, but there is more to our taste than meet the eye.

You are a sum total of your environment. ‘Man=Gene+Environment’,

In biology, the morphological and physiological character of a man is determined by his gene influenced by the reason of his environment.
You are a sum total of your environment. That is, 'Man=Gene+Environment', and a product of: what you have learnt; and the contributions made by the people -mentors, teachers, friends, advisors, family, and religious leaders- given permission to influence your life.

What you are + Why you are = Who you are.

When you dwell on your personality and align it with your purpose, it brings-out the essence of your existence, which is in relation to your worth.
However, a man’s worth is a function of his work defined by his purpose and fueled by his passion.
There is no greater thing than to function in one’s place of purpose, doing things effortlessly with a primary source of motivation, passion.
The best you there is, is the you that is yet to be discovered, the energy yet to be untapped, and the reward yet to be obtained.

My advice, life is not as difficult as perceived by many, if we would only indulge in self discovery and personal development. Only then can the ‘dream-you’ come to birth.

Love life, embrace your true self.

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