Sunday, February 21, 2016

It is all insanity

"If you think anyone is sane you just don't know enough about them" ~ Christopher Moore.

I want to believe that at the time Christopher Moore made this statement, he must have seen the very things I am seeing presently.
I mean, it appears as though the number of sane people had not only reduced but had been replaced by their insane counterpart.

What would you say of a medical practitioner who teaches on the mode of operations of drugs and the side-effects, yet a chronic addict.
The law enforcement agencies whose job description is to ensure that the law is duly enforced, yet breaks the law at a regularly.
How about a clergyman who is trained and ordained for religious service, yet drenched in the pool of immorality.

"Wisdom is profitable to direct"~ Ecclesiastes 10:10, a prove that having knowledge is not enough to succeed in 'life'. As success requires a combination of knowing and applying, and unless you figure that out it might prove elusive.

Get Knowledge, Get Understanding, Get Wisdom.

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