Monday, August 14, 2017

Questionable thoughts

*...Questionable Thought...*

Ed note: "Looking at my life in retrospect, I have been able to weigh certain options more accurately. There were some decisions that I was proud of, however, the events that I could have handled much more better than I did seem to override the former. 
I cannot help but think, how it would feel if I were to relive those moments and how that would influence the present state of things. Have you ever thought of the same?" ~Obajowo Jimmy Michael 

What if you have been wrong all along and certain decisions, like choosing a career, who to marry, where to live, and what belief to hold on to were all erroneously made?

What if the picture of the future you once thought would be a reality is now unrealistic?

Does this and more cripple you and maybe cause your optimistic self to plummet from whatever height it's formally attained to a levelled ground?

Does the thought of starting over again break sweat from your pores and leave you 'soaken'?

Does the unpalatable news that everything failed, leave your soul locked in depression and the thought of light at the end of the tunnel reduced to nothing? 

Does it not bother you that as savvy as most of us appear, it is rather unfortunate how misinformed and ill-prepared we are in some matters?
How we chase after the least important things at the expense of the-more-important, and at the face of even the most ridiculous challenges, we fall.

At the bottom of the chain, with little or nothing to start with, would you rather throw in the towel and bury your head in shame, or would you 're-pent', 're-think', or 'think-again'?

Choice they say is relative, and to make the best of it, is to have an exceptionally unique understanding of the decisions made per time. Though broken, not to give up on a definite hope of rising again to redeem our fall.

For though the longevity of a life be finite, the 'quality' is of paramount importance.

Choose to Live freely, Choose quality!!!

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